Arts & Crafts Projects, Children

Selecting The Best Summer Programs For Your Kids


With the last few days of school quickly coming to an end, for many school children. Planning for your child (children’s) summer vacation doesn’t have to leave you stressed out. There are plenty of both free and paid programs that will keep your children safe, entertained as well as mentally stimulated, so the fun part comes from being educated on which programs will work for you and your children.

Selecting which summer program out of many, that your children will actually benefit from can be made simple by either browsing online or going to your cities local library. Organizations such as the Boys and Girls Club, YMCA and various programs can each provide students young as Pre K alternatives to spending those lazy summer days at home in front of the television. If keeping your children mentally stimulated, as well as physically active is your m.o., feel free to ask your local librarian about the available itinerary of summer programs being offered in your area. A whole listing of activities such as art classes, sports as well as academics should be provided. You are now on your way to making sure that this summer both you and your kids are completely aware of whats expected as you head off to work, and they head off to their daily, weekly routine.

What type of program best fits your child? Each child is uniquely different, it’s not a bad thing for one child to want to take up martial arts, and another enrolled in art, or science program. The main thing is firstly finding out exactly which program will best motivate your child. Enrolling your child in a basketball or soccer course for six weeks may seem like a good idea, until you find out that they weren’t enjoying the time spent. A wasted effort. Discussing what will keep your child happy beforehand, provides the child the opportunity to engage in a discussion that helps you find out what interests your children have, their likes and dislikes. Learning about their preferences also leaves the door of communication open, you’ll begin to teach your kids that they can, and should feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, concerns and dreams with you. Also, you wouldn’t purposefully want to enroll your child in anything that they would not excel in, which would cause them to feel as if they either let you down as a parent or that they could not rise to meet your expectations. Which leads to the very opposite of what we’re not trying to accomplish here, hurt feelings and wasted money.

As a young child, I attended programs summer ‘camps’ or programs through organizations such as our local Boys and Girls Club, where the dog days of summer were busily spent, reading, doing arts and crafts and playing either outside or in the gym. Every week there was a new parental release form to bring home for the next field trip, and I’m positive that there have been even more improvements made to the summer program’s curriculum.

With that being said, after discussing which summer programs work best for your child/children choosing the right activity for your kids. For the athletic kids, the ones with natural abilities, and the ones who are interested in developing these skill sets, signing your kids up for sports programs such as archery, volleyball or basketball could ideally be something that they would enjoy. I’m not promising that all of these programs will be available in your specific city or town, but it is worth finding out what is available in your area and as well as how long the courses run.

One of the programs that I like and also find very beneficial is the Self Defense program. You may not have this program available or it may not be open to the age that this particular class caters to, but if you happen to enroll your children in self-defense program the twelve-week course will teach your children how to defend themselves as well as teach them how to alert others if they happen to find themselves in a dangerous situation.


Another beneficial program caters to the artist within your child. Be it, cooking classes, were food preparation is considered to be an art form, or arts and crafts. Some facilities even have sensory classes, which allow your child to paint, construct art using edible snacks, parent participation is allowed, so you can actually join your child and help them explore their imagination while creating. Also see if your local orginization offers mommy and me classes, where parents interact with their children in an environment that supports parental inclusion.

Many of the programs that I am listing are for younger kids, although their are many different age ranges from up to teenagers. For example, Introduction To Keyboarding, ages six and up, teaches the fundamentals of using an electric keyboard, notes values and learning simple songs. While another fine art class caters to learning how to play the guitar.

For the gymnast in your child, enroll your children in a course that will allow them to start as a beginner, learning how to train their bodies coordination in cartwheels, handstands, and other forms of gymnastics.

Perhaps you have children that appreciate the great outdoors. Take the initiative and enroll your children ages 5-12 in one of these six week programs and watch as your kids go horseback riding, visit a pirates cove and visit adventure parks, anyone up for a little excavating?
By taking a little time to research the programs offered in your town, you have the ability to make this summer one to remember. Even if you have more than one child, and money might be a little tight, making time to sign your kids up at the library and let them enroll in the Summer Reading Program offers them a way to spend their time in activities that are both healthy and constructive. Summer break is right around the corner, don’t delay!
Stephaniemary Fagbeyiro-Post