Christianity, Holidays, Religion

The Cross of Jesus Christ


What needless pain we bare…. the lyrics to a beautiful song composed years ago, bring us to a beautifully tragic climax of Jesus Christ ministry physically here on earth. Beginning with his joyful arrival to the city of Jerusalem on what we in the western world refer to as Palm Sunday. He proudly rode upon a specially prepared donkey a sign of affluence in those days, to His final assignment – to surrender to the will of God as the first and last true blood sacrifice that would finally redeem humanity.

The last and final installment of Jesus Christ ‘The Messiahs’ life (The Ministry), His death (The Sacrifice) and the resurrection (Our victory)

What needless pain we bare…. the lyrics to a beautiful song composed years ago, bring us to a beautifully tragic climax of Jesus Christ ministry physically here on earth. Beginning with his joyful arrival to the city of Jerusalem on what we in the western world refer to as Palm Sunday. He proudly rode upon a specially prepared donkey- a sign of affluence in those days, to His final assignment – to surrender to the will of God as the first and last true blood sacrifice that would finally redeem humanity.

The last and final installment of Jesus Christ ‘The Messiahs’ life (The Ministry), His death (The Sacrifice) and the resurrection (Our victory), ends sadly upon the cross. Easily one of the worlds recognizable symbols. Two beams crossing or intersecting one another, the cross of our Lord and Savior bore each and every one of our unpardonable sins. ‘Blotting out all handwritten requirements that were contrary to us and nailing them to the cross’.

Jesus death was permitted for one specific reason, as discussed in previous articles, the purpose of His crucifixion should not soon be forgotten, even after 2000 years.

The Message of The Cross


When we think of the cross, one of the first things that comes to mind is the brutal sufferings that He was made to endure. The actual crosses that criminals in those days were crucified on were made to bring on public shame and humiliation. Hung in public, on display for every passerby to see, we’re reminded of Christ’s burden, He bravely suffered and endured for humanity.

Through His death and resurrection, we should reflect not on the shame of the cross, although that was a part of the prisoners punishment, Jesus Christ assignment was different. He came into the is world, without sin to die the death like the lowest of the lows. Representing His willingness to be completely subservient to His master’s will led Him to that lonely cross, wedged between two sinners, one who received forgiveness simply by faith in believing that Jesus Christ death was not in vain, but could save him from his eternal punishment that was imminent. For Christ told the one man on his right when asked if he could go with Jesus Christ to paradise, that His sins were totally forgiven and that very day he would join Christ in eternal paradise. The other sinner, not so much. He obviously and for whatever reason chose to forgo the grace that was still being displayed, and when he died, his sins were not forgiven, and for some reason, he was okay with that.

When we are taught and asked to ‘pick up our cross’, it is symbolic of the actual cross that these men that were to be punished were made to carry through the streets, leading to their crucifixion. As Jesus placed the heavy cross upon His shoulders He was made to carry the weight of that we actually use to symbolise the ‘weight of the sin’ in our lives that needs to go.


The message of the cross is meant to offer us a unfiltered view of what this fallen world takes to become redeemed again. Yes, it is not easy, we fall several times a day, but the good news is that we have a Savior that understands are weakness and empathises with us, whether it be our dual nature, unwillingness to take His forgiveness and grace as seriously as we should, but we should. Learning to  walk in total obedience to Christ is the one hardest yet most comforting things that any human being can do. Happy Easter/Resurrection 2019 and may you began to actually get to know Jesus Christ as your personal savior and if you already have come to know Him, begin to enjoy the relationship that you already have with The Lord. Thank You.


Stephaniemary Fagbeyiro-Post




Jesus Resurrection The Nails




The last article celebrating the crucifixion of Yeshua Christ detailed the crown of thorns, which our Lord and Savior bore for our sins.

1 Peter 5:4

And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.

Two of the things used to crucify Yeshua have been discovered in a 2000-year-old tomb, Recent discoveries claim that the three nails that were used in Jesus crucifixion were found in tomb. Whether these are the actual nails or not, we do know that everything that The Lord does has meaning. We do know that His plan to save humanity was purposefully and carefully carried out that we may have redemption.

Through this very real and painful event, that put The Lord’s plan into action, which begins with Palm Sunday, The Crucifixion, and The Resurrection, we learn the meaning behind the nails that were used to crucify Jesus Christ.

“And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.”              Colossians 2:13-14

Reference from the House of Truth

The nails that were used to crucify Jesus Christ have their symbolic meaning. In Hebrew, the numerical value of each nail is the number six. Jesus Christ received two nails in the wrists/hands and one nail went through both feet. Each nail that was used in the crucifixion, equals up to 6+6+6, representing the number of man, and “The Breath of Life”. I can’t help but wonder if this is another symbolic representation of the redemption of man. God/Yahua breathed life into Adam the first man, and Adam’s redemption came thousands of years later, as prophesied through Jesus the Messiah. Not surprisingly, many people know that the numerical value of three sixes also represents the number of the beast.

In order for man (humanity) to escape Satan’s, plan to completely destroy mankind, a sacrifice was needed, Jesus Christ whole existence from before time, as well as throughout His 33 years of life and 3 years of ministry, was to prepare souls for His Father’s Kingdom. During this resurrection season, we learn about how He prepared his disciples for His departure and what was to come after His death. Never in vain, His death only secured the victory of humanities redemption.

Take time to reflect on what this important event in the history of man means to you. Does the reminder of God’s sacrifice, that continually plays out up until today, and until His return, remind you of how we can take advantage of our Lord Jesus Christ sacrifice. If so, time to come to know Him as He would have you know Him. That is, as a loving Father that would do anything, even sacrifice His Son, to save our eternity from being wasted…. forever.

To become a child of God is to come to Him, with the intentions of allowing Him to perfect you. We all have weaknesses that we can’t even explain, that are destined to keep us out of the will of God, which will keep us out of Heaven. Simply acknowledge this fact, and given Jesus Christ the power to be able to save us and redeem us. If not today, when? We aren’t promised tomorrow, but just know that Jesus Christ stands at the door of your heart waiting for you to invite Him in, so if you hear His voice today, let Him in.

I love you guys and most importantly The Lord loves you.


Stephaniemary Fagbeyiro-Post