Children, Christianity, Development, Parenting

Building Blocks To Raising Self Aware Children



Here at Babies and Baubles we like to honor the very fabric of our society by celebrating the family structure. I believe that that in order to have a well-functioning society, we as family units should begin to learn and implement the basics of healthy family foundations. Christian programs such as Parenting God’s Way provide tips, and articles that provide families the correct tools and scriptures on raising healthy children, as well as supports the promotion of healthy parents.

A few days ago I found myself listening to a broadcast on raising Christian children in a day and age where the world has its own way of teaching both parents and children what’s acceptable, and if you are like many other Christian parents, grandparents, caregivers and teachers you are aware that the world’s standards are vastly different from God’s way.




The Word Of The God says to “Train up a child in the way that should go, and when they are old they will not depart from it”. This scripture could apply to the importance of educating our children on on recognizing and establishing healthy boundaries, both physically, spiritually and emotionally. It is statistically accurate that the days of waiting until your children learn about sex education from the education system are long gone. Kids are being exposed to conversations and physical encounters every day. If unfamiliar with how to handle these situations things could  take a turn for the worse.

Experts say that you should begin to teach your kids about theses values way before you or society “deems” them  at the age of “maturity”. With that being said, what do you think is the appropriate age to begin teaching your kids about body awareness and how “the rules.” Don’t wait until the age that you think that they will be ready to learn about the importance of gender roles, the purpose of sex, and waiting until marriage to become intimate. Go ahead and prepare now.


Kids in today’s society are being exposed to alternative teachings, such as gender fluidity, homosexuality, masturbation, pre-marital sex, technically it’s never too early to get ahead of the learning curve, by introducing your children to Christian values, and how to meet God’s expectations of living righteously.

Outlets in the media; television, music, books, and even games and apps have exposed our kids to the too much, too soon syndrome. All of this covert programming is being received and filtered subconsciously through their senses and being processed in their minds, and if not taken care, absorbed and acted out. Think about how intently young kids can watch television or a movie intended for kids. They sit for thirty minutes shows back to back. We as Christian parents understand that the world’s way of influencing the masses is by programming certain agendas to be incorporated into mainstream media in order to slowly gain our acceptance. Our goal as parents of young, easily influenced children is to prevent that from happening.

One of the ways that you as a parent can actively become involved is by teaching them from the ages of one to three years old, is about being body conscious. This is something that young kids are taught at day care, but as a parent you can implement similar games with your children that will encourage them to take ownership over their bodies as well as educate them on the function of their bodies and it’s unique parts. To begin the, introduce a game where they physically identify their head, arms, legs and fingers and toes. Create a song or dance to go with it, or perhaps purchase a book that readily explains the functions. Also, visiting websites that are both kid and parent friendly alike such as Growing Hands On Kids and read their articles, one in particular 10 Body Awareness Activities For Kids provides activities that help your kids cultivate balance through movement and dancing to action songs. The kids will enjoy your participation, so do not hesitate to join them in play. Some parents will be hesitant about explaining anything beyond the basics of body awareness, but you don’t have to be. As a parent of a toddler it’s recommended that you begin to teach them about both their public parts (the parts you see everyday) and the private parts (the parts that you don’t see everyday). Our too much information…. This is something that children can grasp easily and if explained through honest communication that girls have specific parts and boys have specific parts, what they do and that these private parts are only relevant as their roles as parents….one day. It all makes sense when put into context. Explain to them that that after you become a mature woman you meet and marry a mature man. Women can then conceive and have babies. After young boys mature into men, they too meet and marry a woman and they produce babies that the woman, wife will carry. Your kids will be very interested in learning how they too will one day grow up, get married and have their own kids, because of course they have seen examples of healthy families roles in everyday life. They probably will have a few questions for you, and you should prepare to have mature answers for them as well.

In continuation, teaching your young children about body awareness, the next article will help you explain in depth how to maintain his or her purity as your child grows older, we all understand that we need to begin somewhere and then continue to have open communication as our children become older. So grab a few books and begin to reinforce the things that you have learned, as you begin to practice, your kids will be a little more prepared for the life they experience outside of your Christian home.


Stephaniemary Fagbeyiro-Post/Blogger and Business Owner


Jesus Resurrection The Nails




The last article celebrating the crucifixion of Yeshua Christ detailed the crown of thorns, which our Lord and Savior bore for our sins.

1 Peter 5:4

And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.

Two of the things used to crucify Yeshua have been discovered in a 2000-year-old tomb, Recent discoveries claim that the three nails that were used in Jesus crucifixion were found in tomb. Whether these are the actual nails or not, we do know that everything that The Lord does has meaning. We do know that His plan to save humanity was purposefully and carefully carried out that we may have redemption.

Through this very real and painful event, that put The Lord’s plan into action, which begins with Palm Sunday, The Crucifixion, and The Resurrection, we learn the meaning behind the nails that were used to crucify Jesus Christ.

“And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.”              Colossians 2:13-14

Reference from the House of Truth

The nails that were used to crucify Jesus Christ have their symbolic meaning. In Hebrew, the numerical value of each nail is the number six. Jesus Christ received two nails in the wrists/hands and one nail went through both feet. Each nail that was used in the crucifixion, equals up to 6+6+6, representing the number of man, and “The Breath of Life”. I can’t help but wonder if this is another symbolic representation of the redemption of man. God/Yahua breathed life into Adam the first man, and Adam’s redemption came thousands of years later, as prophesied through Jesus the Messiah. Not surprisingly, many people know that the numerical value of three sixes also represents the number of the beast.

In order for man (humanity) to escape Satan’s, plan to completely destroy mankind, a sacrifice was needed, Jesus Christ whole existence from before time, as well as throughout His 33 years of life and 3 years of ministry, was to prepare souls for His Father’s Kingdom. During this resurrection season, we learn about how He prepared his disciples for His departure and what was to come after His death. Never in vain, His death only secured the victory of humanities redemption.

Take time to reflect on what this important event in the history of man means to you. Does the reminder of God’s sacrifice, that continually plays out up until today, and until His return, remind you of how we can take advantage of our Lord Jesus Christ sacrifice. If so, time to come to know Him as He would have you know Him. That is, as a loving Father that would do anything, even sacrifice His Son, to save our eternity from being wasted…. forever.

To become a child of God is to come to Him, with the intentions of allowing Him to perfect you. We all have weaknesses that we can’t even explain, that are destined to keep us out of the will of God, which will keep us out of Heaven. Simply acknowledge this fact, and given Jesus Christ the power to be able to save us and redeem us. If not today, when? We aren’t promised tomorrow, but just know that Jesus Christ stands at the door of your heart waiting for you to invite Him in, so if you hear His voice today, let Him in.

I love you guys and most importantly The Lord loves you.


Stephaniemary Fagbeyiro-Post




Open Letter

Jesus Is Reason For The Season



Christmas Day, December 25th a worldwide celebration in honor of the birth of our Lord and Savior. There is no denying that this time of year is one of the most joyful times as well as a time where some people experience tremendous sadness.

Then there are the people who anxiously make their way through crowded roads and busy airports in order to make it in time to spend a few precious days with their families. Many others spend countless hours, working both day and night, in order to provide the perfect gift for loved ones.

As we near the end of another year we should enjoy this season, it’s not all bells and whistles. The hype of this Christmas season to Christ followers is one that makes us reflect on the goodness of God. His selfless gift to humanity that through the birth, death and resurrection power of His one and only son Christ Jesus, we may have eternal life. Notwithstanding a perfect guide to assist us through daily challenges, and towards spiritual growth.

Thank God that we live in a society where we have the religious freedom to worship our Lord and Saviour at will. All over the world more and more followers of Christ are finding it increasingly difficult to do so.

This Christmas season, as well as the close of the year, and into the new year 2019. We are grateful for the chance to continue to work towards the goals that we have set for ourselves. Personally, I don’t think that I’ve even reached my potential, all that was created in me. I’m only assuming that many people feel the same way. This intense pressure to have it all together according to the world’s standards.

One thing that we can rely on is that we have a sure foundation in Christ, that gives us eternal life. In a world where we’re constantly having to adjust our footing to conform to the world’s expectations. May we find solace in our belief that the author and finisher of our faith have our best interest in mind, year after year. Have a blessed end of the year, and may the start of the new year bring you closer to true fulfillment. Peace and blessings.


StephanieMary- Blogger/Business Owner