Open Letter

Jesus Is Reason For The Season



Christmas Day, December 25th a worldwide celebration in honor of the birth of our Lord and Savior. There is no denying that this time of year is one of the most joyful times as well as a time where some people experience tremendous sadness.

Then there are the people who anxiously make their way through crowded roads and busy airports in order to make it in time to spend a few precious days with their families. Many others spend countless hours, working both day and night, in order to provide the perfect gift for loved ones.

As we near the end of another year we should enjoy this season, it’s not all bells and whistles. The hype of this Christmas season to Christ followers is one that makes us reflect on the goodness of God. His selfless gift to humanity that through the birth, death and resurrection power of His one and only son Christ Jesus, we may have eternal life. Notwithstanding a perfect guide to assist us through daily challenges, and towards spiritual growth.

Thank God that we live in a society where we have the religious freedom to worship our Lord and Saviour at will. All over the world more and more followers of Christ are finding it increasingly difficult to do so.

This Christmas season, as well as the close of the year, and into the new year 2019. We are grateful for the chance to continue to work towards the goals that we have set for ourselves. Personally, I don’t think that I’ve even reached my potential, all that was created in me. I’m only assuming that many people feel the same way. This intense pressure to have it all together according to the world’s standards.

One thing that we can rely on is that we have a sure foundation in Christ, that gives us eternal life. In a world where we’re constantly having to adjust our footing to conform to the world’s expectations. May we find solace in our belief that the author and finisher of our faith have our best interest in mind, year after year. Have a blessed end of the year, and may the start of the new year bring you closer to true fulfillment. Peace and blessings.


StephanieMary- Blogger/Business Owner