Children, Christianity, Parenting

Teaching Your Kids Be A Friend Of Christ Jesus


I’d like to have the faith to believe that I was inspired by the Holy Spirit to bring awareness of the need that we find in our roles as parents, which is to raise godly children. The scriptures say:

Matthew 16:24-25

“If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”

The scripture found in Matthew 16 speaks about learning to deny, what I believe to be our learned behaviors of selfish desires, and placing all of these things (wants and needs) under the power of Christ and following Him (taking up our cross). Then the verse goes on to say, Who ever does these things, is actually saving their own lives and those who do not do these things are actually losing their lives. Not necessarily in the literal sense, but in the very real sense that when we learn to want what God wants for us, we will be o the path to life.

As obedient and intellectually smart parents, we all want our children to be respectful and well behaved, it’s just a matter of how you go about teaching them. Of course we send them to school, but from our experiences while receiving our education. No one ever really groomed you on how to conduct yourselves, so that’s not the best teacher on how to live with godly principles. So yes, parents, grandparents, and even leaders and teachers called through Jesus Christ, it is a job that we are assigned to do.

Have you ever gone into a toy store, with the intentions of looking for something to buy for your kid, or any store for that matter. The selections of available toys are limitless, but your goal is to purchase only what you specifically want, whether it be one or two gifts. If you’ve ever brought your kids along and the gift is not for them you’ll relate to this analogy. You may or may not know what want to buy, but you are their to find something that you do want. The kid in you or with you will see this and that and naturally want to have it, however, the reasoning adult within or with you, knows that you can’t have every nice thing that you see. It’s the same with this life that God has given each one of us. We are all like the kid in the toy store that when presented with too many options we do one of a few things. 1. Purchase too many items. 2. Waste time deciding which items to purchase. 3. End up purchasing the wrong item.  You will notice that all of these can be time and resource consuming.

That is where we need the leading of the teachings of Christ, the Holy Spirit and the practical application of His Word to step in and guide us. The Holy Spirit will be the voice in our head that will lead us towards Christ and away from the things in life that will keep us from the best things that God has for us. This way we can walk into that “toy store” and walk out with the perfect gift that you absolutely did intend on buying.

I believe that the same thing goes for teaching kids to become obedient followers of Christ. I’ll share a personal my angst about becoming a parent as well as raising my kids, with you real quick, was actually in trusting in God to lead my kids in the direction where they are 100 percent under his authority and control. I don’t know if that’s a normal thing to worry about in pregnancy, but for whatever reason, I did have those concerns. I was raised as a Christian and I wanted to pass my faith and belief in Christ Jesus to my children, simply because I believe in Him and His teachings. So I’m learning and have learned that first you must know the God that you are serving (through His Word) and trust God to lead you raising your kids. He has lead you this far, and if your reflective in your spiritual walk with Christ, you’ll see that if you heeded all of Christ’s warnings, loving suggestions and advice you would have probably done some things differently pertaining to your own life.

Well we want to influence the children when their young, when their belief in Jesus being their personal savior, friend is much more applicable. If the world is teaching them about the Easter bunny, and Santa Clause, you a s the parent can teach them about how to put their faith, love and trust in Lord Jesus Christ. He wont bring you your every wish, but honestly, neither will Santa, so.

Seriously, kids minds are easily influenced at the early ages of learning, and by speaking to your kids about who God is and His role in creation, as it relates to our lives gives them a concept of who He is all by himself and who He is in their life as their Father (not just a father-figure).

I probably wont go into detail today about all the ways that you can began teaching your children or children who you are pastoring to how to develop a relationship with Christ, My aim to is to have parents give their children the guidelines as we received when we first came to Christ. The first step is

  • Acknowledge Christ, his life and His death and His resurrection. In doing so your child will become familiar with the character of God and his relationship he has with his son Jesus.
  • Teach your child how to accept God/Jesus/Holy Spirit at His Word. You would never really put your trust in anyone you don’t have some form of relationship with.
  • Help your child build his or her relationship with Christ. Teaching your child through bible stories and prayer is a great way to help your child build their personal relationship with the Lord.

In my estimation, knowing the love, power and sweet influence of the Holy Spirit and then being able to pass on the guidelines as well as benefits, on to your children, is key, and their are major benefits to serving the Lord. It is and has always been God’s plan to teach the future generations.

If it is your desire to introduce your children (any age group) to The Lord Jesus Christ but don’t know exactly where to begin. As with me and so many other parents, try the following prayer….

Thank you Lord for the beautifully wise children that you have given us, they are a gift from you.

We glorify your name Lord, believing that you have given us these children to love, provide and teach according to your Kingdom standards.

Father, In Jesus name I come before you today seeking you on how to be able to effectively raise spiritually healthy children. I want them to know, honor and in turn follow your your teachings.

Lord I am trusting you that you will teach me how to teach my children to follow you.      I now take the spiritual authority that you have given every believer who calls upon your name, and ask for the spirit of understanding, discernment to be able to lead my kids.

I pray for righteous godly influences, and  leaders that will be good role models in the lives of my children. I also ask that you will send them godly friends, as well as teachers that will encourage them how to live, think, act, react and speak, in order for them to develop and grow in their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord, Amen.



Stephaniemary Fagbeyiro