Children, Education, Uncategorized

Back To School, Preparing Like A Pro



Now that millions of children are getting ready for the new school year all across America, it’s now time to prepare to adjust back to our normal routine. The kids must be dropped off, picked up and dinner served all on time. This year 2019-2020 school year is here, so why not plan ahead to make it a success.

Just as your child’s summer schedule needed careful consideration to accommodate the families schedule over summer break, getting your child ready to return back into the regular school routine is necessary.


So your child’s back to school shopping list is complete, clothes…. check, shoes…. check, fresh hair cuts and hairdos…. check. Now you can tackle the tedious task of shopping for your child’s school supplies. Hopefully, you were able to take advantage of the No Tax Weekend sale that took place this past weekend. For you guys that may not know about the No Tax Weekend, it’s the chance to purchase back to school items tax-free, which happens to always be a smart investment.
Normally, before the school year begins, your child’s school will require you the parent to have completed an itinerary of things to have complete before your child can register for the 2019-2020 school year. This is the perfect time to check to see if you have all of your child’s immunizations up to date, if you have address changes, and any other updates.

Depending on your child’s age, I believe that it’s a good idea to make time to attend any type of parent-teacher conferences and accept any open house invitations that the school will offer. Taking time to meet with your children ‘s teachers and administrators allows you to get an understanding of the person/people who have the potential to be a positive influence on your child throughout the school year.vaccine_graphics_2017

This is also an appropriate time to inquire about which type of after school programs are available. Many city schools, YMCA, Boys and Girls Club and the like, offer programs where children can go after school hours, and actually continue to learn and interact with other children their age. Whether the program is designed to keep them busy until they can be safely picked up, or actually continues your child’s education afterwards. These programs are necessary for so many busy parents.


Another thing that you can do to prepare your kids for school, is to get your children in the routine of returning back to begin to make adjustments to your child’s bedtime schedule, probably a few weeks before school starts. Let your kids get used to going to bed an hour or two earlier until they are used to going to sleep and waking up on time. Other tips that you can use are shortening your child’s playtime, while your kids are now use to playing outside late into the evening, and watching tv. As their parent, since they have been out of the daily routine of studying, begin to incorporate more time into reading and getting back into doing little workbooks that will stimulate their minds for the upcoming school year.

For your child, this school year has the awesome potential of being one where your child can be secure that they are equipped with everything that they need to succeed in the upcoming year.