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Children, Education, Uncategorized

Back To School, Preparing Like A Pro



Now that millions of children are getting ready for the new school year all across America, it’s now time to prepare to adjust back to our normal routine. The kids must be dropped off, picked up and dinner served all on time. This year 2019-2020 school year is here, so why not plan ahead to make it a success.

Just as your child’s summer schedule needed careful consideration to accommodate the families schedule over summer break, getting your child ready to return back into the regular school routine is necessary.


So your child’s back to school shopping list is complete, clothes…. check, shoes…. check, fresh hair cuts and hairdos…. check. Now you can tackle the tedious task of shopping for your child’s school supplies. Hopefully, you were able to take advantage of the No Tax Weekend sale that took place this past weekend. For you guys that may not know about the No Tax Weekend, it’s the chance to purchase back to school items tax-free, which happens to always be a smart investment.
Normally, before the school year begins, your child’s school will require you the parent to have completed an itinerary of things to have complete before your child can register for the 2019-2020 school year. This is the perfect time to check to see if you have all of your child’s immunizations up to date, if you have address changes, and any other updates.

Depending on your child’s age, I believe that it’s a good idea to make time to attend any type of parent-teacher conferences and accept any open house invitations that the school will offer. Taking time to meet with your children ‘s teachers and administrators allows you to get an understanding of the person/people who have the potential to be a positive influence on your child throughout the school year.vaccine_graphics_2017

This is also an appropriate time to inquire about which type of after school programs are available. Many city schools, YMCA, Boys and Girls Club and the like, offer programs where children can go after school hours, and actually continue to learn and interact with other children their age. Whether the program is designed to keep them busy until they can be safely picked up, or actually continues your child’s education afterwards. These programs are necessary for so many busy parents.


Another thing that you can do to prepare your kids for school, is to get your children in the routine of returning back to begin to make adjustments to your child’s bedtime schedule, probably a few weeks before school starts. Let your kids get used to going to bed an hour or two earlier until they are used to going to sleep and waking up on time. Other tips that you can use are shortening your child’s playtime, while your kids are now use to playing outside late into the evening, and watching tv. As their parent, since they have been out of the daily routine of studying, begin to incorporate more time into reading and getting back into doing little workbooks that will stimulate their minds for the upcoming school year.

For your child, this school year has the awesome potential of being one where your child can be secure that they are equipped with everything that they need to succeed in the upcoming year.




Children, Christianity, Parenting

Teaching Your Kids Be A Friend Of Christ Jesus


I’d like to have the faith to believe that I was inspired by the Holy Spirit to bring awareness of the need that we find in our roles as parents, which is to raise godly children. The scriptures say:

Matthew 16:24-25

“If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”

The scripture found in Matthew 16 speaks about learning to deny, what I believe to be our learned behaviors of selfish desires, and placing all of these things (wants and needs) under the power of Christ and following Him (taking up our cross). Then the verse goes on to say, Who ever does these things, is actually saving their own lives and those who do not do these things are actually losing their lives. Not necessarily in the literal sense, but in the very real sense that when we learn to want what God wants for us, we will be o the path to life.

As obedient and intellectually smart parents, we all want our children to be respectful and well behaved, it’s just a matter of how you go about teaching them. Of course we send them to school, but from our experiences while receiving our education. No one ever really groomed you on how to conduct yourselves, so that’s not the best teacher on how to live with godly principles. So yes, parents, grandparents, and even leaders and teachers called through Jesus Christ, it is a job that we are assigned to do.

Have you ever gone into a toy store, with the intentions of looking for something to buy for your kid, or any store for that matter. The selections of available toys are limitless, but your goal is to purchase only what you specifically want, whether it be one or two gifts. If you’ve ever brought your kids along and the gift is not for them you’ll relate to this analogy. You may or may not know what want to buy, but you are their to find something that you do want. The kid in you or with you will see this and that and naturally want to have it, however, the reasoning adult within or with you, knows that you can’t have every nice thing that you see. It’s the same with this life that God has given each one of us. We are all like the kid in the toy store that when presented with too many options we do one of a few things. 1. Purchase too many items. 2. Waste time deciding which items to purchase. 3. End up purchasing the wrong item.  You will notice that all of these can be time and resource consuming.

That is where we need the leading of the teachings of Christ, the Holy Spirit and the practical application of His Word to step in and guide us. The Holy Spirit will be the voice in our head that will lead us towards Christ and away from the things in life that will keep us from the best things that God has for us. This way we can walk into that “toy store” and walk out with the perfect gift that you absolutely did intend on buying.

I believe that the same thing goes for teaching kids to become obedient followers of Christ. I’ll share a personal my angst about becoming a parent as well as raising my kids, with you real quick, was actually in trusting in God to lead my kids in the direction where they are 100 percent under his authority and control. I don’t know if that’s a normal thing to worry about in pregnancy, but for whatever reason, I did have those concerns. I was raised as a Christian and I wanted to pass my faith and belief in Christ Jesus to my children, simply because I believe in Him and His teachings. So I’m learning and have learned that first you must know the God that you are serving (through His Word) and trust God to lead you raising your kids. He has lead you this far, and if your reflective in your spiritual walk with Christ, you’ll see that if you heeded all of Christ’s warnings, loving suggestions and advice you would have probably done some things differently pertaining to your own life.

Well we want to influence the children when their young, when their belief in Jesus being their personal savior, friend is much more applicable. If the world is teaching them about the Easter bunny, and Santa Clause, you a s the parent can teach them about how to put their faith, love and trust in Lord Jesus Christ. He wont bring you your every wish, but honestly, neither will Santa, so.

Seriously, kids minds are easily influenced at the early ages of learning, and by speaking to your kids about who God is and His role in creation, as it relates to our lives gives them a concept of who He is all by himself and who He is in their life as their Father (not just a father-figure).

I probably wont go into detail today about all the ways that you can began teaching your children or children who you are pastoring to how to develop a relationship with Christ, My aim to is to have parents give their children the guidelines as we received when we first came to Christ. The first step is

  • Acknowledge Christ, his life and His death and His resurrection. In doing so your child will become familiar with the character of God and his relationship he has with his son Jesus.
  • Teach your child how to accept God/Jesus/Holy Spirit at His Word. You would never really put your trust in anyone you don’t have some form of relationship with.
  • Help your child build his or her relationship with Christ. Teaching your child through bible stories and prayer is a great way to help your child build their personal relationship with the Lord.

In my estimation, knowing the love, power and sweet influence of the Holy Spirit and then being able to pass on the guidelines as well as benefits, on to your children, is key, and their are major benefits to serving the Lord. It is and has always been God’s plan to teach the future generations.

If it is your desire to introduce your children (any age group) to The Lord Jesus Christ but don’t know exactly where to begin. As with me and so many other parents, try the following prayer….

Thank you Lord for the beautifully wise children that you have given us, they are a gift from you.

We glorify your name Lord, believing that you have given us these children to love, provide and teach according to your Kingdom standards.

Father, In Jesus name I come before you today seeking you on how to be able to effectively raise spiritually healthy children. I want them to know, honor and in turn follow your your teachings.

Lord I am trusting you that you will teach me how to teach my children to follow you.      I now take the spiritual authority that you have given every believer who calls upon your name, and ask for the spirit of understanding, discernment to be able to lead my kids.

I pray for righteous godly influences, and  leaders that will be good role models in the lives of my children. I also ask that you will send them godly friends, as well as teachers that will encourage them how to live, think, act, react and speak, in order for them to develop and grow in their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord, Amen.



Stephaniemary Fagbeyiro

Children, Christianity, Development, Parenting

Building Blocks To Raising Self Aware Children



Here at Babies and Baubles we like to honor the very fabric of our society by celebrating the family structure. I believe that that in order to have a well-functioning society, we as family units should begin to learn and implement the basics of healthy family foundations. Christian programs such as Parenting God’s Way provide tips, and articles that provide families the correct tools and scriptures on raising healthy children, as well as supports the promotion of healthy parents.

A few days ago I found myself listening to a broadcast on raising Christian children in a day and age where the world has its own way of teaching both parents and children what’s acceptable, and if you are like many other Christian parents, grandparents, caregivers and teachers you are aware that the world’s standards are vastly different from God’s way.




The Word Of The God says to “Train up a child in the way that should go, and when they are old they will not depart from it”. This scripture could apply to the importance of educating our children on on recognizing and establishing healthy boundaries, both physically, spiritually and emotionally. It is statistically accurate that the days of waiting until your children learn about sex education from the education system are long gone. Kids are being exposed to conversations and physical encounters every day. If unfamiliar with how to handle these situations things could  take a turn for the worse.

Experts say that you should begin to teach your kids about theses values way before you or society “deems” them  at the age of “maturity”. With that being said, what do you think is the appropriate age to begin teaching your kids about body awareness and how “the rules.” Don’t wait until the age that you think that they will be ready to learn about the importance of gender roles, the purpose of sex, and waiting until marriage to become intimate. Go ahead and prepare now.


Kids in today’s society are being exposed to alternative teachings, such as gender fluidity, homosexuality, masturbation, pre-marital sex, technically it’s never too early to get ahead of the learning curve, by introducing your children to Christian values, and how to meet God’s expectations of living righteously.

Outlets in the media; television, music, books, and even games and apps have exposed our kids to the too much, too soon syndrome. All of this covert programming is being received and filtered subconsciously through their senses and being processed in their minds, and if not taken care, absorbed and acted out. Think about how intently young kids can watch television or a movie intended for kids. They sit for thirty minutes shows back to back. We as Christian parents understand that the world’s way of influencing the masses is by programming certain agendas to be incorporated into mainstream media in order to slowly gain our acceptance. Our goal as parents of young, easily influenced children is to prevent that from happening.

One of the ways that you as a parent can actively become involved is by teaching them from the ages of one to three years old, is about being body conscious. This is something that young kids are taught at day care, but as a parent you can implement similar games with your children that will encourage them to take ownership over their bodies as well as educate them on the function of their bodies and it’s unique parts. To begin the, introduce a game where they physically identify their head, arms, legs and fingers and toes. Create a song or dance to go with it, or perhaps purchase a book that readily explains the functions. Also, visiting websites that are both kid and parent friendly alike such as Growing Hands On Kids and read their articles, one in particular 10 Body Awareness Activities For Kids provides activities that help your kids cultivate balance through movement and dancing to action songs. The kids will enjoy your participation, so do not hesitate to join them in play. Some parents will be hesitant about explaining anything beyond the basics of body awareness, but you don’t have to be. As a parent of a toddler it’s recommended that you begin to teach them about both their public parts (the parts you see everyday) and the private parts (the parts that you don’t see everyday). Our too much information…. This is something that children can grasp easily and if explained through honest communication that girls have specific parts and boys have specific parts, what they do and that these private parts are only relevant as their roles as parents….one day. It all makes sense when put into context. Explain to them that that after you become a mature woman you meet and marry a mature man. Women can then conceive and have babies. After young boys mature into men, they too meet and marry a woman and they produce babies that the woman, wife will carry. Your kids will be very interested in learning how they too will one day grow up, get married and have their own kids, because of course they have seen examples of healthy families roles in everyday life. They probably will have a few questions for you, and you should prepare to have mature answers for them as well.

In continuation, teaching your young children about body awareness, the next article will help you explain in depth how to maintain his or her purity as your child grows older, we all understand that we need to begin somewhere and then continue to have open communication as our children become older. So grab a few books and begin to reinforce the things that you have learned, as you begin to practice, your kids will be a little more prepared for the life they experience outside of your Christian home.


Stephaniemary Fagbeyiro-Post/Blogger and Business Owner

Arts & Crafts Projects, Children

Selecting The Best Summer Programs For Your Kids


With the last few days of school quickly coming to an end, for many school children. Planning for your child (children’s) summer vacation doesn’t have to leave you stressed out. There are plenty of both free and paid programs that will keep your children safe, entertained as well as mentally stimulated, so the fun part comes from being educated on which programs will work for you and your children.

Selecting which summer program out of many, that your children will actually benefit from can be made simple by either browsing online or going to your cities local library. Organizations such as the Boys and Girls Club, YMCA and various programs can each provide students young as Pre K alternatives to spending those lazy summer days at home in front of the television. If keeping your children mentally stimulated, as well as physically active is your m.o., feel free to ask your local librarian about the available itinerary of summer programs being offered in your area. A whole listing of activities such as art classes, sports as well as academics should be provided. You are now on your way to making sure that this summer both you and your kids are completely aware of whats expected as you head off to work, and they head off to their daily, weekly routine.

What type of program best fits your child? Each child is uniquely different, it’s not a bad thing for one child to want to take up martial arts, and another enrolled in art, or science program. The main thing is firstly finding out exactly which program will best motivate your child. Enrolling your child in a basketball or soccer course for six weeks may seem like a good idea, until you find out that they weren’t enjoying the time spent. A wasted effort. Discussing what will keep your child happy beforehand, provides the child the opportunity to engage in a discussion that helps you find out what interests your children have, their likes and dislikes. Learning about their preferences also leaves the door of communication open, you’ll begin to teach your kids that they can, and should feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, concerns and dreams with you. Also, you wouldn’t purposefully want to enroll your child in anything that they would not excel in, which would cause them to feel as if they either let you down as a parent or that they could not rise to meet your expectations. Which leads to the very opposite of what we’re not trying to accomplish here, hurt feelings and wasted money.

As a young child, I attended programs summer ‘camps’ or programs through organizations such as our local Boys and Girls Club, where the dog days of summer were busily spent, reading, doing arts and crafts and playing either outside or in the gym. Every week there was a new parental release form to bring home for the next field trip, and I’m positive that there have been even more improvements made to the summer program’s curriculum.

With that being said, after discussing which summer programs work best for your child/children choosing the right activity for your kids. For the athletic kids, the ones with natural abilities, and the ones who are interested in developing these skill sets, signing your kids up for sports programs such as archery, volleyball or basketball could ideally be something that they would enjoy. I’m not promising that all of these programs will be available in your specific city or town, but it is worth finding out what is available in your area and as well as how long the courses run.

One of the programs that I like and also find very beneficial is the Self Defense program. You may not have this program available or it may not be open to the age that this particular class caters to, but if you happen to enroll your children in self-defense program the twelve-week course will teach your children how to defend themselves as well as teach them how to alert others if they happen to find themselves in a dangerous situation.


Another beneficial program caters to the artist within your child. Be it, cooking classes, were food preparation is considered to be an art form, or arts and crafts. Some facilities even have sensory classes, which allow your child to paint, construct art using edible snacks, parent participation is allowed, so you can actually join your child and help them explore their imagination while creating. Also see if your local orginization offers mommy and me classes, where parents interact with their children in an environment that supports parental inclusion.

Many of the programs that I am listing are for younger kids, although their are many different age ranges from up to teenagers. For example, Introduction To Keyboarding, ages six and up, teaches the fundamentals of using an electric keyboard, notes values and learning simple songs. While another fine art class caters to learning how to play the guitar.

For the gymnast in your child, enroll your children in a course that will allow them to start as a beginner, learning how to train their bodies coordination in cartwheels, handstands, and other forms of gymnastics.

Perhaps you have children that appreciate the great outdoors. Take the initiative and enroll your children ages 5-12 in one of these six week programs and watch as your kids go horseback riding, visit a pirates cove and visit adventure parks, anyone up for a little excavating?
By taking a little time to research the programs offered in your town, you have the ability to make this summer one to remember. Even if you have more than one child, and money might be a little tight, making time to sign your kids up at the library and let them enroll in the Summer Reading Program offers them a way to spend their time in activities that are both healthy and constructive. Summer break is right around the corner, don’t delay!
Stephaniemary Fagbeyiro-Post


Children, Christianity, Development, Parenting

The Balancing Act – Raising Well Rounded Kids

pexels-photo-1456951Not too many people can deny the joy and peace that comes with raising children. However within the past 20 to 15 years, making sure that you as parents, keep your children nurtured protected and out of trouble has become increasingly harder to accomplish. Apart from adopting the ‘helicopter technique’ parenting style, in which you basically smother your child or children. In order to make sure that your children are their very best selves when out of your presence, you will need to implore some tactics.

Every parent desires to raise children that are physically and mentally healthy. It our goal to try our best in every situation to promote independence that will encourage even the shy ones to be more expressive an take on the world. The the thing is not all parents know just how to accomplish this without any further knowledge. The first step is to teach your children about healthy, normal awareness of self and others.


Teaching your kids, starting from a young age, just who they are as human beings, begins from inside the womb. I was encouraged with my first pregnancy to begin to communicate with my then baby, and it was difficult at first, but I begin to be encouraged, my son became more aware of who was around me and he would become more active in the womb when I spoke to him. The developmental stage of infancy is so rapid,, this state of awareness, develops both independence and reliability to them. Creating and establishing healthy boundaries is a follow up to self awareness, your child is establishing who they are in this world, or at least in their environment.

The five areas of human development, which are physical development, intellectual development, social development, emotional development and moral development, are used as a way to describe the stages that we learn while still children.


Normally, by the age of one and throughout the toddler stage, you can start implementing in-depth conversation with your kids, encouraging to problem solve, reading and having them ask questions are all ways to interact with your kids. Guiding a young adult at this stage gives them healthy boundaries as well as establishes rules, that serve to keep them on the right path. It’s very important to make them aware of who sets the rules of conduct.


The beautiful thing about parenting with positivity is that you are actively teaching your kids to value themselves and others, by creating structure as well as leading by example. By being a walking, talking reflection of what you would like to see in your child, you give them continual reference of what it is like to be a good person. How relatable are you with your children? As a parent, I enjoy spending time with my kids, as with most parents, I don’t think I do. Even if it’s spending time reading to them and allowing them to ask questions or watching the tv shows that they like, playing outside or doing active arts and craft projects with them, take an hour daily to entertain them.

I believe that one of the most important stages of development that we should want to place a high level of importance on is moral development. Teaching your your children how to have a Godly character is by far one the best ways to make sure that they will live a healthy, full productive life. Every other method of raising competent, considerate children that actually works, focuses on ‘self’. Christianity and Judaism especially teach that man has never been the focal point, especially of attaining self perfection. Just like infants, we are taught how to be righteous, honest, caring trustworthy, loving, as Christ is. When we apply that knowledge to preparing our young children for the world that begins in the home, they begin to recall on the lessons of Christianity and its teachings. Now when they are away from home and interacting with various people and or situations the morals and values that are continually being taught to them, actually provide the structure for establishing and maintaining a well rounded child into adulthood.



Stephaniemary Fagbeyiro/Blogger and Business Owner

Cdp+ Design Announcements, Cdp+ Publishing, Story books

Cdp+ Designs Publishing


Cdp+ Designs is now writing short stories! 💕



Why? Because life as glorious as it is can be as real as fiction.
Join Priscilla, Rashida, and Johnathan on a quest that leads them on an adventure of responsibility….. The recently graduated trio found an old television set and decided to see if it worked just for fun. Unbeknownst to them, they had been chosen for three very important assignments that would lead them into a world of adventure, mystery as well as possible danger.

As you follow the characters along their mission, you’re not just reading along, you actively interacting with the storyline. You are in control, the decisions of how to handle the mission are made by you, the reader. Travel back in time, to ancient, Egypt, Greece and Japan to fulfill your assignment with the firm Wellington.



Along with the various projects that Cdp+ Designs introduced in late 2018, our Christian based line of stationery, Babies & Baubles custom invitations, announcements and more. I am currently working on writing a short fiction story based on topics that bring people together and encourage children to read.

Explore the world through books. In a time where television and media have now replaced the way, we process and receive information. Fall in love with the art of storytelling all over again.

Our books will be sold online coming mid-2019.




Stephaniemary Fagbeyiro-Post



Holiday Cards

Valentine’s Day Cards & Stationery


Valentine’s day is less than a month away, so Cdp+ Designs has our Custom/Non-Custom Holiday cards for sale now.

Get into it, Valentine’s day is not just for romance. Celebrate with cards for babies & kids. Co-workers, students and of course friends and family.

Holiday function coming up? Need to send a quick invitation to a few friends? No problem, we both design and sell invitations, thank you cards, rsvp, and response cards to all occasions.

On sale soon.  💕 Visit Cdp+ Designs Boutique

Reach Out To Us

Simply leave your name and email address @ along with your 5 digit order number. Or call us 469-438-7428.

We will contact you within an hour.


Let your friends know just how much you appreciate them with Sweetheart Valentine’s Day Trading Cards.

Available in 20, 35 and 55 counts. They are a perfect way of saying ‘I love you.’

Valentine’s Day Cards

Buy 5 ready to print Valentine’s Day for only $4.89!

Try mix and matching your cards.


Valentine’s Day Cards

(Ready To Print)

To purchase,

Visit Cdp+ Designs Boutique

Visit our post, Printing Techniques to view recommended card/coverstock to make your cards stand out.


Art, Life and Design, Baby, Birth Announcements, Birthday Cards, Children, Home Page Intro, TAGS & LABELS

Babies & Baubles




Happy Birthday Baby! Babies & Baubles Birthday Cards will help you celebrate your little ones upcoming day.


Our Custom Line of Baby Announcements are now available for sale… Select from available sizes, colors, and single or double (front/back) options.

Birth Announcements are a great way to let friends and family know that you have given birth to you long-awaited bundle. Have your announcements reflect your babies personality by uploading specials photographs of your baby.


Choose from any one of our Invitations to prepare for your Baby Shower. Simply choose a theme according to your Baby Shower’s theme and we will design the perfect invitations for you.

We also design party decor, visit our Tags & Labels line of Stationery


CDP+ Nuptials Boutique & Cdp+ Designs are preparing for their grand opening this new year. Coming Soon.

We will be providing a way to pre-order, as well as purchase your custom stationery right from our site!


Stephaniemary,  Cdp+ Designs



Art, Life and Design, Envelopes, Home Page Intro, Uncategorized

Selecting The Perfect Envelopes



Searching for the perfect envelopes to complement your stationery has just become a lot simpler.

Babies & Baubles has compiled a few online and physical locations to make your order selection a breeze.

If looking for anything printing and scanning related has a wide selection of customizable envelopes. Starting at 25 counts.

JamPaper, as well as The Stationery Studio, is another online alternative store which provides envelopes. Starting at 25 counts.

Depending on the quantity and ability to customize, you can visit any number of these online stores, listed above.


Whatever print option you choose, be it online or offline, such as your local UPS, FedEx, or Kinkos, even Office Depot. You’ll run into friendly professionals that can assist you in choosing the perfect envelopes for your stationery.

Stephaniemary – Business Owner/Blogger


Art, Life and Design, Baby, Birth Announcements, CDP+ Newsletter, Graphic Design, Home Page Intro, Open Letter, Print Works- Stationery

CDP+ Newsletter December & January 2019


Thank you for ongoing support and interest in CDP+ as a company. As we grow within the Wedding and Custom Stationery industry we will be featuring more of our wedding stationery collections as well as expanding our sales distribution platforms. Welcome into the year and CDP+ looks forward to working with you, this 2019.



– Stephaniemary

Open Letter

Jesus Is Reason For The Season



Christmas Day, December 25th a worldwide celebration in honor of the birth of our Lord and Savior. There is no denying that this time of year is one of the most joyful times as well as a time where some people experience tremendous sadness.

Then there are the people who anxiously make their way through crowded roads and busy airports in order to make it in time to spend a few precious days with their families. Many others spend countless hours, working both day and night, in order to provide the perfect gift for loved ones.

As we near the end of another year we should enjoy this season, it’s not all bells and whistles. The hype of this Christmas season to Christ followers is one that makes us reflect on the goodness of God. His selfless gift to humanity that through the birth, death and resurrection power of His one and only son Christ Jesus, we may have eternal life. Notwithstanding a perfect guide to assist us through daily challenges, and towards spiritual growth.

Thank God that we live in a society where we have the religious freedom to worship our Lord and Saviour at will. All over the world more and more followers of Christ are finding it increasingly difficult to do so.

This Christmas season, as well as the close of the year, and into the new year 2019. We are grateful for the chance to continue to work towards the goals that we have set for ourselves. Personally, I don’t think that I’ve even reached my potential, all that was created in me. I’m only assuming that many people feel the same way. This intense pressure to have it all together according to the world’s standards.

One thing that we can rely on is that we have a sure foundation in Christ, that gives us eternal life. In a world where we’re constantly having to adjust our footing to conform to the world’s expectations. May we find solace in our belief that the author and finisher of our faith have our best interest in mind, year after year. Have a blessed end of the year, and may the start of the new year bring you closer to true fulfillment. Peace and blessings.


StephanieMary- Blogger/Business Owner



Art, Life and Design, Home Page Intro, Print Works- Stationery

The Final Product


Cdp+ Custom Designs/StephanieMary

I’m as passionate about attaining the perfect elements of design that make my projects stand out, as I am in the fine details that go into creating the final product.

When creating stationery for weddings and any event for that matter. The end product is always kept in mind, right from the beginning. The outcome of a custom print is just as important as the design itself. CDP+ Nuptials/Cdp+ Custom Designs could not agree more.

Tips To Consider When Choosing Your Stationery Print Paper.

  1. Consider the type and color of paper you choose for your invitations.
  2. The earlier you decide on the color paper of your choice, the better.
  3. Find matching envelopes in the same color early on in the design process.
  4. You may have to use a Pantone Color Chart to find your exact color. Do so in advance.
  5. Speak with your print press, and let them know your expectations. Possibly ask for Ink Draw Downs

Knowing when to choose a colored paper versus printing a solid color, can make a big difference in the final outcome of the printed piece.”

Petrick’s Design

We also encourage you to read Domtar’s Answer Pack A

‘Ink Draw Downs’ along with other useful information on ‘printing techniques,’ will be able to get a real feel of your final product will look. Comparing printing images on colored paper with the same images printed on white stock paper will produce a different result. The choice is entirely yours.

Ask your local print shops/ink shops for samples, they will be able to help clarify the printing process for you. It’s also helpful to read ‘Printing Techniques‘ to get a better understanding of your printing options.


StephanieMary/Blogger & Business Owner




Pregnancy, Uncategorized

Expectant Mothers: What To Wear This Holiday Season

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful times in a woman’s life. However, when it comes to looking and feeling your best this Holiday Season, Babies & Baubles has a short list of this seasons latest maternity wear. Well, because during all of the hustle and bustle of the year’s end, you have places to go, and people to see!

A Pea In The Pod 

Great for any social gathering this Sheath Maternity Dress from ‘A Pea In The Pod’ is both fun and flirty. Comfortable enough to be worn to pretty much anywhere. On sale now for $59.97. I love the white ankle boots, and when you pair this outfit with a purse you have a dress that you can either dress up or down.


Also from ‘A Pea In The Pod’ The Vanity Room Mesh Side Ruched Maternity Dress. This long sleeve, knee length dress has side-ruching, and beautiful floral detailing. For $108.00, simply throw on some pumps and your on you way. Sizes XS-L.


Pink Blush

The brand Pink Blush has these gorgeous long sleeve floor length maternity maxi dresses. Sold for $$115.00 in an assortment of colors. The Crochet Chiffon maternity evening gown comes in a few distinct styles, in sizes XS-L. While the yellow floral front twist maternity maxi dress with a high v neck is offered in sizes S-XL. The empire waist is great for an expanding waistline, and the wrap can actually be both tightened and loosened at will.


Save up to 10% off your first order from Pink Blush and 20% off with the promo code ShopTwenty.


For casual wear ASOS maternity oversize T-shirt dress, only $40.00. This style is comfortable for pregnancy, as well as post pregnancy. Slip on some leggings and either a cropped jacket or cardigan along with some black ankle boots (booties) and perhaps some jewelry.


The 3D Crop Top Mini Dress $56.00 is fancy enough to wear with its high embellished neck, it’s also fully lined and best of all its designed to fit your blossoming baby bump.

Perhaps you have a chic-formal holiday event to attend. Another knee length wrap dress comes in a bold red with sequins. The print is not too busy, and apart from spandex and nylon the actual cut of the dress is the second most comfortable thing ever while beinf pregnant. Also check out the Hatty Barely There Heeled Sandals sold for only $45.00.


Sexy Mama Maternity

For a fun sexy night on the town, that you most certainly do deserve. Sexy Mama Maternity has a blue ‘Off The Shoulder Bumper’ $96.00. I actually like that they have a size guide, on their website since every pregnancy is different.


Very pregnant but still stylish? It’s not every day thatvyou can wear those sweats. Purchase a few of these neutral over the belly Pencile Skirt for $36.00. Just what every woman needs, the skirt is designed to fit over your belly and is still streamlined, that’s exactly what makes these skirts so appealing.



From fun and flirty to sophisticated and sexy, this holiday season, Enjoy all the clothes and styles that you love and dress to impress.



Art, Life and Design

2019* Choose This Color Trio For Your Homes Interior Pt.1

2019’s Spring colors undoubtedly are in, according to Pantone’s Spring-Summer colors contain a plethora of vivid colors to spark the imagination of anyone.

This new year’s color choices are interesting enough indeed. From bright colors live ‘Living Coral’ a snazzy shade, a mix of burnt orange and peach. Then theirs ‘Rose Dust’ a type of neutral pastel pinkish brown. This year we did not quite get an ‘Inferno Red’ however I think you’ll be quite satisfied with ‘Persian Red.’


With that being said, with all of these color choices, it could quickly become a wearisome task of choosing which colors to use in your home’s interior this new year.

The Design Approach favorite new color of the moment would have to be ‘Marrs Green.’

Italian Bark ‘Marrs Green’

As described in Italian Bark as a dark teal and blue-green, which they actually revealed as the worlds favorite color.’ I happen to agree, however, we have chosen the color ‘Sea Foam Green,’ ‘Champagne’ and ‘Gold’ undertones, as our color combinations of the moment.



So go ahead and allow yourself to become inspired, as we explore various ways to incorporate these colors into a beautiful streamlined balance of style and color.

I think what’s ideal about this color combination is the subtly of ‘SeaFoam Green’, which happens to reflect light well enough to use in any room. Some colors that are as equally gorgeous can only handle being contained to smaller spaces, such as 2017-2018’s color ‘Dinner Party,’

Benjamin Moore ‘Dinner Party ‘

previously featured in what was CDP+ Interior Design Home & Decor’s blog. While the hue ‘Champagne’


which will be used as the neutral color, in order to balance the bold ‘Gold’. Just as you wouldn’t use gold throughout every room, the rich color that it is will be used to highlight this color trio.

How To Incorporate These Colors Into Your Home’s Decor


I love the seemingly limitless ways that you can use the color ‘Sea Foam’, to transform any room of your home. From the main room to the master bedroom, to a nursery all the way to toddlers on up.

As in these images, gold is used sparingly in the decor which makes this nursery gender neutral. Accents such as a well-placed rocking chair and certain decor make this room color a win-win.



From pre-teen to teenagers ‘Sea Foam Green’ is used carefully whether applied as paint or wallpaper/treatments by incorporating the color scheme, and using ‘Gold’ as the trim or even by adding gold draperies or champagne colored blinds.



When used in a pre-teen or teenage boys room the combination works as well. Once again, since it is a gender neutral color; you could also play with varying tones and shades. ‘Sea Salt’ from Sherwin Williams, is of a similar shade.



Your kitchen and bathroom deserve some attention. A good idea is to include a two-tone Sea Foam/Champagne room. Either horizontally on the same wall or vertically on adjacent walls.



Baroque Seafoam Geen Bathroom

Remember that considering your decor can also add to your theme, and simply have fun looking around for the perfect accessories for your homes latest makeover.



Stephaniemary Fagbeyiro

Blogger/Student of Design and Business Owner

Featured Product- Meal Planning, Home Page Intro, Kitchen Aid-, Place Cards

Meal Planners, Recipe Cards & Shopping Lists

Okay, moms and dads, we have to get this meal thing right. In order to help you plan those all-important meals that keep your family going strong, you’ll need to be able to have a decent plan in mind.

Cdp+ Custom Designs has prepared a way for you to plan your families meals, from grocery lists highlighting the essentials to meal/recipe cards that provide quick accessibility while preparing your meals.

Choose from an assortment of items,  sizes, and designs offered at budget-friendly prices.


20 543# $8.75 Recipe Card 20 pack/ ¢.20

35 543# $8.75 Recipe Card 35 pack/ ¢.20

50 543# $8.75 Recipe Card 50 pack/ ¢.20


50 # 544 5×7 $15.00 *Fancy Meal Planner 50 pack/ ¢.25

35 #544 5×7 $10.50 *Fancy Meal Planner 35 pack/ ¢.25

20  #544 5×7 $6.50 *Fancy Meal Planner 35 pack/ ¢.25

**** We accept, as a payment source/vendor, however in order to deliver your product and invoice (via email), simply email us, using this payment checkout option link provide when ordering, include item number and qty amount in two or three digit format, and product name.

Example: First/Last Name* Phone Number/Email Address * Item Number #545-35 – Fancy Meal Planner. 

All payments will be made through 


35 #545 5×7 $6.50 *Fancy Meal Planner 35 pack/ ¢.25

50  #545 5×7 $6.50 *Fancy Meal Planner 35 pack/ ¢.25

20  #545 5×7 $6.50 *Fancy Meal Planner 20 pack/ ¢.25






Home Page Intro, Uncategorized

Cdp+ Custom Designs

Cdp+ Custom Designs is catered to providing high-quality handcrafted stationery for both business and personal use.

Independent of CDP+ Nuptials,          Cdp+ Custom Designs line of stationery range from the baby announcement, showers to housewarmings, special occasions, and holiday cards.

Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Years!

Our business line is geared towards Freelance Design, dealing with wholesale sales to both small and larger corporations.


Owner: Stephaniemary Fagbeyiro            Since 2017


Upgrade Your Weekly Meal Schedule Tonight

Whether looking for alternative ways to prepare healthy meals for your family, trying to get your kids to make healthier food choices or simply looking for looking for alternate ways to spice up your families menu. I have come up with a few healthy, and tantalizing recipes that when implemented will score an A+ on your dinner score card.

It’s no doubt that today, both moms and dads are having to work extremely hard at budgeting their time in everything. From our independent careers, raising the kids, extracurricular activities and finding time for both your spouse needs and family, it literally takes the best time management and resource expert to successfully devote enough attention to these areas, daily.

I decided to group these very easy recipes in their categories simply because it makes it easier to find when your ready to prepare your dish. Starting with breakfast.


Western Omelette

Their are so many ways to make an omelet so finding a few recipes that will please you and that you can try out on your family shouldn’t be hard at all. The first recipe we’ll be sharing is called the Western Omelet. You can also click on to the recipe to view a quick clip on how to prepare the meal online at Add ingredients that your family likes, such as sausage, bacon, Canadian bacon, while substituting ingredients as you go.

Mushroom Omelette with Creamy White Wine Sauce

22 min·Yield: 2 servings
Easy to make, delicious mushroom omelette with cheesy and creamy mushroom wine reduction sauce.


  • 1 yellow onion ((medium, peeled and chopped))
  • 2 cups thinly sliced cremini mushrooms
  • 2 Tbsp butter
  • 1/2 cup white wine
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream

If your looking for something a little different, which almost always proves to be fun, try the recipe for a delicious Mushroom Omelette with Creamy White Wine Sauce. It’s fun sophisticated and you could always hold the wine sauce if you are preparing the omelette for younger kids.

Lunch Menu

If you find yourself in the mood for something a little more complicated than just peanut butter & jelly sandwiches and potato chips. Consider trying this meal as an lunch option for the family, one that is preferably prepared in advance for the sake of time.

The Anti-Inflammitory Tumeric Chicken Meal Prep Bowls, sure this meal sounds boring but it actually is healthy and tasty. I don’t think that you’ll have any problems getting your kids to enjoy this meal, as it is palate friendly. Click on the link for more ingredients and instructions. Also the health benefits of Tumeric have known to prevent colds, the flu.



  • 3 Chicken breasts (about 1-1.5 lbs)
  • 2 1/2 cups Broccoli florets
  • 1/2 tsp Ginger
  • 1 tsp Onion powder
  • 1 tsp Parsley, fresh


  • 3 chicken breasts (about 1–1.5 lbs)
  • 2.5 cups cauliflower rice (pre riced or riced in a food processor)
  • 2.5 cups broccoli florets
  • 3 tbsp coconut oil
  • 2 tsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1/2 tsp ginger
  • 1 sea salt
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper (omit for AIP)
  • 1 tbsp coconut aminos
  • 1–2 tsp fresh parsley

Avocado Egg Salad

Also, another quick lunch menu item, that is as easy to make as it is good to eat is the Avocado Egg Salad. A lot like chicken or tuna salad, you can even add some lettuce for some texture. The decision is totally yours to either make a sand which or use it as a filler, or alongside heavier main course.




The Ultimate Five Cheese Macaroni and Cheese 

Nothing makes you feel better than a bowl full of macaroni and cheese, everyone can attest to that. So when I came across this YouTube video, I definitely wanted to pass the recipe along. I’ve tried a similar recipe to this one before only with spaghetti, I included multiple cheese blends and it turned out great…. however clink on the play button to get the recipe on how to create this magical dish.

Creamy Mashed Potatoes 

Brown or White gravy? High starch and low moisture makes for the perfect potatoes says these potato experts. Follow this quick video guide to create the perfect mashed potatoes. I like to add cream and even add herbs for taste and presentation.




Stuffed Porkchop

The stuffed porkchop. Enough said. However if you tend become a little intimidated by pork, you can substitute pork for boneless chicken. All I saying is that this receipe is definitely one that you should add to your repertoire. Include brown rice, cauliflower rice or chickpeas as a side and some baked squash and theirs a complete meal right there for everyone to enjoy.

Start out with boneless pork or chicken breast sliced lengthwise, next stuff with sun-dried red tomatoes or regular sun dried, fresh spinach and mozzarella cheese. Brown the pork or chicken for three to five minutes, and then pop the browned meat in to the oven for another eight or ten minutes.


5 Fun In The Sun Summer Recipes

In wrapping up, I hope that this has provided you with a few extra recipes to incorporate into your meal planner in order to please your family because you know how we are as parents. Check out this clip which includes Grilled Chipotle Corn and Grilled Franks wrapped in bacon, of all things. I hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for more lip-smacking recipes just in time for the holidays.