
Babies & Baubles: Holidays For The Kids; Making Christmas Memories

Christmas season is here and the kids will need some entertainment. Instead of your children spending Christmas break glued in front of the tv, why not start some new family Christmas traditions of your own. 

Norman Rockwell 

Tree Decorating and Christmas Decor

Since children love being helpful, any opportunity to involve them in activities that you can do together. Inviting your kids to engage in creative play by assembling and decorating the tree and home for the holidays.  All of those ornaments garlands and lights will dazzle them.

Arts and Crafts Ornament Decorating

Take a trip to your local neighborhood store and pick up a few arts and crafts projects. Scissirs, ribbons glitter and glue…. It’s super easy to do, and by allowing your kids to use their imagination, they will be able to keep the memories and their creations for years to come. 

Movie Night

Movie Night 

A cool way to spend time with your children as well as keep them busy. How about pop some popcorn, grab a few snacks and cozy up for a weekend, day or evening watching kid-friendly Christmas movies. A few movies to add to your list are Home Alone, Miracle on 34th Street, Elf, A Christmas Story, Frosty The Snowman as well as A Very Merry Pooh for babies and toddlers.

Visit Santa

This time of year the malls are full of families shopping for those ladt minute gifts, as well as trying to get that all important picture with Santa Clause at the North Pole. If you happen to be in the DFW area, The Parks at Arlington and Dreamworks Animation is hosting a Shrek Franchise Story plot to Santa event. Over 2,000 sqft of fun and adventure for the kids. If not, check out local activities in your area for a trip to visit Santa and let your kids petition their Christmas List. 

Young Hispanic family volunteering to serve food in soup kitchen

Volunteering & Donating

This time of year is a perfect time to offer to volunteer at any place that needs assistance. From Shelters, to Churches and various nonprofit organizations. In order to teach kids how to be kind, and generous, sign up for Big Brothers and Big Sisters For America. Spend time stocking, food, clothing and gifts for those in need this season. If thats not an option you could always donate to a charity or cause for the holidays or allow your children to sponsor other children gifts. 

Entertaining your children this Christmas season will be both rewarding and fun for both parent and children alike. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas.

Stephaniemary Fagbeyiro

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