Open Letter

An Open Letter: A Spirit of Gratitude

An Open Letter

Thanksgiving was celebrated all across the United States yesterday. Which means that another year has come and gone. A year filled life laughter, heartache, surprise. Although were in countdown mode to the end of the year, we should all try to keep this spirit of appreciation going. A table full of great food, friends, and family has the ability to warm our hearts and revive our spirit. Who says that we don’t need a reason to give thanks as well as celebrate more often!

In my perspective, whether you spend Thanksgiving with the ones you love or away from home. With or without your family, ‘Thanksgiving Day’ still has the same meaning to me. I spent the day reflecting on the past year has gone by. I give praise and honor to God, that has preserved His plan for mine and my families life. Did a year change things? This year it certainly did, just like the year before. I’m gaining a better perspective of how to be thankful, as I spend time everyday purposefully looking for reasons.

Appreciation for the people in my life, the people who have left my life and anticipation of the divine connections that have yet to enter my life. From a purely human-spiritual perspective I realize how events and situations in this life are ever evolving yet it requires active effort to bring them into fruition. As society is becoming more and more aware of how our interactions effect one another. We also are realizing how to shift these interactions towards the positive.

No other time period since the traditional foundation of Thanksgiving back in 1621, have we been constantly reminded that were not so different. In order to flourish in our spiritual and physical lives, and change the present spiritual climate we have to work together, being mindful of not just what benefits us and our desires, but what ultimately benefits the ‘common good.’ I’m grateful to have the ability to share in whichever way The Lord places on my spirit. Whether it’s sharing my testimony, time, resources or actively allowing another person do the same. Simply appreciating another day that God has given me through the life of His most precious Son, to make in this world, no matter how big or small. Not even taking into mind my own needs, has given me ever present opportunities to be thankful for and to express of gratitude.

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